Monday, August 5, 2013

Monday August 5 2013 (Galaxy Jars)

Galaxy Jars

One of the fun goodies the boys and I made for the goody bags at their birthday party were Galaxies in a Jar. The concept is very similar to the calm down jars that have been floating around Pinterest for a long time. 
First we collected a bunch of smallish clear bottles. Then we filled them 95% full with water. Then we added a few drops of glycerine (they sell this in the soap area at Hobby Lobby) You could also use clear glue, but I already had glycerine on hand. Then we filled the rest of the bottle with glitter and mini-star confetti.
After we had all the glitter and confetti in the bottle with the distilled water and glycerine we put a line of high temperature hot glue around the top of the bottle before we screwed the lid on. This will "kid-proof" the bottle so that there aren't accidental spills in the house.
 I decided to give the lids a coat of glittery spray paint too just to make them even more fun.
 To finish them off we tied a card that reads "Galaxy in a bottle. To infinity and beyond!" to the bottle with some extra ribbon I had.

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