Saturday, April 27, 2013

Getting Started

Getting Started

   I may as well start by introducing myself. I'm am currently a stay at home mom to two mischievous little boys who enjoy pushing my buttons, making messes and in general being boys. I have a wonderful husband who despite all of my flaws, quirks whatever you want to call them puts up with me and all of my random hobbies. I also have two cats, three dogs and a couple of fish, if you can't tell I love animals, especially those of the furry variety. I do have an extreme aversion to birds though, I personally find them terrifying, except ducks. (Don't ask, because I honestly don't know why they are the exception.) I love reading, but admittedly haven't done much of it lately because I'm also one of those people who once I start a book have a REALLY hard time putting it down until it's done. I also have a slight crafting addiction. I'm not much of an artist, I'll be the first to admit I cannot draw or paint for anything, but I do love sewing, crocheting, and other various crafty things. Baking is another one of the things that I love to do. It's a rare occasion that we don't have some sort of cookie/brownie/cake or some other miscellaneous sweet hanging around in the kitchen, which my waistline will obviously tell you as well. I admit, I am not a cook, I don't enjoy it one bit, that's my husband's department. I will dabble once in a while, but it's no fun, at least until I get to sit down and eat it. Anyways, that's pretty much all you need to know about me, so let's get on to my adventures!

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