Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Tuesday April 30, 2013 (Kids games)

Pumpkin Progress

So today I honestly didn't do a whole lot. I unfortunately woke up with a migraine and between that and running Connor too and from school I didn't get a whole lot else done besides laundry, but nobody wants to read a blog about laundry. So the one thing I did do today is I replanted my little pumpkin plants. I gave 5 to my parents, so hopefully they will get a couple of pumpkins out of them. I have 11 more that I will divide up between myself, friends and family. I think they are looking pretty good so far, hopefully the extra room will let them keep on growing!

Munchkin Stuff

I wanted to share with all my fellow parents of preschoolers a game that my Aunt and Uncle got the boys for Christmas this past year it's called 

The munchkins love it and it helps them with their colors, shapes, counting and all sorts of other learning without them realizing it. I love it because it teaches them how to take turns, practice their shapes, colors etc. and when I don't feel well it's easy to set up on the floor and lay down near them to supervise. 

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